Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Chinese language week 2 - greetings

 Day two of Chinese language week, I learn how to say hello, goodbye, how are you, and i'm very good. Below is a video of me saying the phrases.


  1. That’s really cool Chloe! Well done.. I can say hello and how are you. I feel like I would struggle with goodbye. I remember when I worked with one student, I would try and copy what they say but I always got those intonations wrong and they ended up laughing at me!

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Wow! That was so cool Chloe! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us. It is really helpful to have this video included as rewindable learning. I will use it to practise. Thanks Chloe.


    Yes it is Chinese Language Week so...

    Ni Hao (Hello) Chloe

    I like how you included an Introduction to your video Chloe. It was good to see that you had included the English word for each of your phrases as you were saying them. I always get nervous trying to speak a language other than English.

    I look forward to reading your next blog Chloe.

    Zhanshi zaijian (Bye for now)
    From Mrs A
